Women’s Health

Our aim is to leave women feeling renewed, transformed, and empowered.

While ageing is a fact of life, at QUALEVITA we believe ageing should not limit you. Our Women’s Health program was specifically designed for women to adopt a pro-active approach to ageing which allows them to continue performing physically, mentally, and emotionally. In essence, an anti-ageing medicine approach where a focus is placed on prevention and optimisation of women’s health and well-being so that women may feel informed and empowered to continue leading exceptional lives.
It is perhaps not commonly known that a women’s body starts ageing long before menopause. Before menopause, the menstrual cycle is controlled by two hormones that are produced in the ovaries. However, with the onset of menopause (sometimes as early as ten years before), the production of estrogen and progesterone gradually drops and then stops.
The program is aimed at normalizing the processes that are regulated by hormones and supported by vitamins and minerals. Since all life processes, mood, sleep, metabolic rate, weight and external state in our body are regulated by hormones, it is very important to keep them functioning optimally – this is the essence of the anti-aging medicine approach.
With our specifically designed Women’s Health program, the following issues can be addressed and resolved:
  • Hot flashes & instable emotional wellbeing (pre-menstrual syndrome)
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Frequent headaches
  • Decreased libido
  • Sleep disorders
  • Thinning hair, dry skin, brittle nails
  • Menstrual cycle irregularities
  • Increased weight and decreased metabolism
  • Appearance of varicose veins and decreased heart and blood vessel health
  • Decreased immune response
  • Fatigued and ageing appearance
  • Decreased physical performance
  • Decrease in cognitive functions

This program includes

A detailed analysis of blood and 24h-urine samples whereby more than 300 diagnostic parameters and markers are rigorously tested and analyzed.

A two-hour consultation with one of our medical specialists whereby you will receive a detailed analysis and explanation of your results, an explanation of your body’s personal biochemical processes and a forecast for the development of several scenarios for the possible development of diseases.

Personal supplementation & medicine recommendations. We also offer the possibility to provide you with fully personalised supplementation made by our lab and pharmaceutical partners (optional against additional fees).

You will receive support during and the following month after the consultation by our patient manager on medical and supplementation related topics as well as any other possible issues and questions.

If needed there is a possibility for further follow-up consultations and where necessary, intermediate correction of prescriptions (optional against additional costs).

Maintaining your medical records & history.